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Resin Architecture

Contest Results

Idaho - Statewide

Year Award Size Category Employee Count
2024 1st Micro 11
2023 2nd Micro 11

Idaho - East

Year Award Employee Count
2024 1st 11
2023 1st 11
We seek to do the following:

Yearly training trip- This year a trip with entire firm for a week to Helsinki, Finland with significant other. We have firm activities planned but alot of free time as well. Past years we have gone to Cabo, Mexico for two years. This is paid time (8 hour days for hourly employees). 

Quarterly Service Activity- as a firm we have participated in road side cleanups, soup kitchen, and food basket type programs. This is paid time.

Flex Time- sometimes the weather report looks really good for the coming Thursday and skiing may need to happen that day. We coordinate internally to try to help things like this happen for our employees as long as it doesn't impact other team members.

Quarterly State of the Studio- Every quarter we block out a couple of hours to give a status report of where the firm is, where we are going, and to have a great lunch together.

Technology Driven Architecture firm- The owners of the firm all grew up in Idaho but all worked outside of Idaho before forming Resin Architecture. When they came together it was with the idea that they could utilize technology to improve how clientele would understand the work (fewer change orders) and how things get built in the field. We are always seeking to be at the cutting edge of what architects in much larger markets are doing. In fact we have been interviewed and profiled on multiple sites for how we use technology in our workflow.